Soy un Coach de vida y negocios apasionado, communication trainer and an adviser. I am here to help to maximize your potentials on professional and personal level using specially designed training sessions. Have national and international experience from England, Poland, Spain, Luxembourg, Colombia has allowed me to understand my clients better.
I have had a privilege to meet many amazing people, professionally and personally, who helped me to become who I am now.
It is my turn to help and empower the others on their personal and professional level.
Become who you really aspire to be, break what limits you.
The story of a man who has lived happily in 4 countries and more…
My academic and professional experience started in Poland where I obtained my first higher education, my Master Degree in Science Information. After graduating I realized that I needed a bigger part of the world to explore. That is where my Big Journey begins. England welcomed me with its extraordinary culture, new language, new friends, progressive way of thinking and exciting education. Educationally, spiritually, professionally I had began to discover new ways of thinking and new approaches to getting things done.
My second degree in European Business and IT as well Post Graduate qualification in Sustainable Tourism at Canterbury University allowed me to explore new professional opportunities; Polish Embassy, recruitment companies in The City and my first training company Action for Employment where I realized what I really wanted to do in life, Empower people so they can inspire others.
My 2-year experience led my to amazing discoveries and more trips. South America appeared organically on my path. My 3-year experience in Colombia and work at the Bogota University and for innovative Colombian companies helped me to get closer to Colombian culture and people and… meeting my big Love there as well as opening together with my Colombian friends NGO for children www.YumaKids.org.
More trainings, more amazing adventures and… time to move on.
Spain came along and Barcelona experience came naturally as it was my new independent step in the work of coaching and training. International and cosmopolitan environment meant international and new experience, new coaching and a Coaching Diploma from Barcelona Academy. Barcelona offered me a great opportunity to work together with Luxembourg on Empowering Women Project which I passionately loved as it is fully dedicated to all women wanting to move ahead and make their professional life worthwhile as well as carry out many exciting training sessions for European Institute of Design , School of Applies Sciences and many other prestigious companies.
I live for training and coaching and this is what I do passionately, motivating people moving them to doing better, bigger things where they can obtain their goals easier.
New year, new challenges. Working with academic students pushed me to start a new Diploma within Education in London Coaching Academy.
I keep exploring.
My journey has not finished yet, I’m still developing and discovering.
Greg Radzki